Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cotton Mather

I bought my first Cotton Mather release after reading that leader Robert Harrison sounded a lot like a 1965-era John Lennon. Turns out he does!

Cotton Mather released a local CD which is now very hard to find, as well as three other CD's that had a wider release (and I think one EP). If you are interested, I suggest you start with their CD, "Kon Tiki". It is fab. They are all out of print, but well worth the $25-$30 it would cost you to pick one up.

Clip number one is from their album "Cotton is King". It is a nice promo video for the song "April's Fool".

Clip number is a video put together by a YouTube user using footage from the TV show "Veronica Mars". I hear the show is good, though I have not really watched it. I don't usually post YouTube created clips, but the song is so good I had to in this case. The video itself is pretty good. The song used is "Lily Dreams On" from "Kon Tiki".

As with most bands I really dig, Cotton Mather broke up without ever really making it big.


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