Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Posies

In my last post I talked about my two favorite bands of the early 1990's. One was Jellyfish, the other was The Posies. I bought my first Posies album after reading a review that described them as the Hollies of the new Power Pop bands. I think that description, at least at the time of "Dear 23", was pretty spot on.

I really loved their next album, "Frosting on the Beater", but every album after that one disappointed me. Still, two great albums (three if you count their first album "Failure") is not a bad run.

Clip number one is "Golden Blunders" from "Dear 23". This song was later covered by Ringo Starr!

Clip number two is "Dream All Day" from "Frosting on the Beater".


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