Thursday, November 09, 2006


1990 was a good year for Power Pop. In my opinion, one of the two greatest Power Pop albums were released that year, "Dear 23" by The Posies and "Bellybutton" by Jellyfish. I played those CD's constantly for months. I would say that overall, though I loved "Dear 23", Jellyfish was my fav of the two groups.

They only did two albums, but they were both amazing. On the other hand...The Posies released quite a few albums, with only one coming close to being as good as "Dear 23" (in my opinion, "Frosting on the beater").

I was shocked and saddened when Jellyfish disbanded. Andy Strumer and Roger Manning were a great team. Manning recently released a solo album and was a member of the band Imperial Drag. Sturmer has produced, but released no work under his own name...distressing given what a talented vocalist he is.

Clip number one is a live clip (recorded by an audience member) of "Joining a Fanclub" from Spilt Milk".

Clip number two is a live take of "The King is Half Undressed". I am really faascinated by Andy's "standing up" drumming style. Take that Ringo! The harmonies are fantastic.

Clip number three is an instore appearance....a live accoutic version of "That Is Why". Listen for the phone ringing in the background!

Clip number FOUR...a promo clip from Andy and Roger's pre-Jellyfish band Beatnik Beach. Not great, but interesting....the sound and image don't sync up though...


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