Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Pretty Things

I was checking out various music blogs this morning and came across one very good (and frequently checked by me) blog called Kwaya Na Kisser. Now...I have a gripe that is concerning something I found posted there. This is nothing about the quality of that excellent blog, but the name of a band described in one of the posts...."Dirty Pretty Things"....Dirty Pretty Things! I guess Dirty Yardbirds and Dirty Manfred Mann was taken?

You'd think when a band picked a name, they might do a Google search to see if a band has a similar name...or in this case if you have taken a band's entire name as part of yours.

The Pretty Things were (and maybe still are in some form) a great English band. They had a couple of hit singles in the 1960's, and were recording worthwhile LPs up through the 1970's. The band even included former Rolling Stone Dick Taylor (he preceded Bill Wyman on bass) amongst it's members.

Here's a live clip from The Pretty Things...Dirty Pretty Things, hang your heads in shame....


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