Monday, September 18, 2006

Alice Cooper

I'm talking about the Alice Cooper group, not Alice Cooper the guy. This was a great band, that just happened to feature a lead singer named Alice Cooper. The guitarist Michael Bruce wrote, I believe, more of the tunes than AC did. However, if you want to read a great Rock and Roll book, read AC's autobiography "Me, Alice" is really great.

Last night I was watching "The Filth and the Fury" on VH1 Classic, and was surprised to find out Johnny Rotten loved ACG, and so did his Mom!

Below you'll find a clip of the Alice Cooper Group doing "I'm Eighteen" live on the Beat Club in 1972...and below that is a clip of a 1998 reunion show with four of the five original members (Glen Buxton had passed away a couple of years prior). They sound pretty good. Bassist Dennis Dunaway doesn't look like he had aged at all. They should be in the Rock Hall...I mean...Billy Joel is in....c'mom!!


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