Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Hollies

I think the Hollies are one of the most underrated bands of the 1960's. A while back when CSNY released their album "Looking Forward", the UK magazine MOJO did a story on them (CSNY). One interesting question that was asked of each member, was of the three bands the four of them had been in..Crosby (The Byrds), Nash (The Hollies) or Stills and Young (both from Buffalo Springfield), which was the best. CS and Y all answered that their own band had been the best...only Nash did not pick his own group (I believe he chose The Byrds).

All three bands were great...but there is something about The Hollies exuberance that really appeals to me. The clip I have selected today is The Hollies playing live on Beat Club circa 1966. Listen to is "I Can't Let Go" LIVE and they sound great! Listen to Graham hit those high notes...and don't overlook the great guitarist Tony Hicks, as well as what may have been the greatest drummer of his day next to Keith Moon, Bobby Elliott.

The live clips I have seen of The Byrds and the Springfield cannot touch this...


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