Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I have lost touch with Bono and the guys over the years. I see them on TV, but I never buy their albums. I admire that they change and try new things, but little of it really gets to me.

But in the beginning, I loved them. I try to shy away from videos that got played over and over on MTV over the years (at least when they played videos), but this is one I have to post. I love "New Years Day". It made me want to run out and buy the album, "War". I still love the video and that album. They were filled with passion back then...and still hungry. Now they are too rich to be that hungry, which I suppose will happen with any act that gets big. Bono does get bonus points for actually doing something constructive with his fame.

After the well known clip is a live take of the same song performed by a more mature U2 in 2005. Bono doesn't seem to 'bring it' quite like he did back circa 1983...still they sound pretty good.


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